FLP offers you remarkable line of 100% Natural Bee Products. Our Bee Hives are located in an ideal environment - the high mountains of Spain - where the pristine environment eliminates contaminants such as pesticides and pollutants. We use state-of-the-art, specially designed equipment to gather and preserve the ingredients in the conditions nature intended. All of our bee products are natural and nutritionally rich, from the hives directly to you, just as honeybees have been making them for thousands of years.
The products of the hive which include royal jelly, bee pollen, and bee propolis, have been valued for their health benefits for thousands of years. Bee products are known for their natural 'cleansing' and healing properties. Recently, modern scientific researchers seem to have realized that Bee products might hold many benefits to our general health and well being. Natural bee products are powerful, safe and have a wide range of health benefits which is why they have now been branded amongst the Superfoods. A Superfood is a rare occurrence in nature. It is when a food source is produced which is highly concentrated with a complex supply of quality nutrients.
We often enjoy a product so much that we seldom think about the tremendous care that goes into making it! Such is the case of Forever Living Products' exceptional line of products from the beehive. Each bottle of Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis and Royal Jelly is formulated, mixed , tableted and stored here, prior tobeing shipped to FLP offices in the United States and around the world. There are 7 products in the Forever Bee Products Range that uses ingredients from the Bee Hive: Forever Bee Honey, Forever Bee Pollen, Forever Royal Jelly, Forever Bee Propolis, Aloe Propolis Creme, Recovering Night Creme and Forever Bright Toothgel.
In nut-shell:
The products of the hive which include royal jelly, bee pollen, and bee propolis, have been valued for their health benefits for thousands of years. Bee products are known for their natural 'cleansing' and healing properties. Recently, modern scientific researchers seem to have realized that Bee products might hold many benefits to our general health and well being. Natural bee products are powerful, safe and have a wide range of health benefits which is why they have now been branded amongst the Superfoods. A Superfood is a rare occurrence in nature. It is when a food source is produced which is highly concentrated with a complex supply of quality nutrients.
We often enjoy a product so much that we seldom think about the tremendous care that goes into making it! Such is the case of Forever Living Products' exceptional line of products from the beehive. Each bottle of Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis and Royal Jelly is formulated, mixed , tableted and stored here, prior tobeing shipped to FLP offices in the United States and around the world. There are 7 products in the Forever Bee Products Range that uses ingredients from the Bee Hive: Forever Bee Honey, Forever Bee Pollen, Forever Royal Jelly, Forever Bee Propolis, Aloe Propolis Creme, Recovering Night Creme and Forever Bright Toothgel.
Forever Bee Honey
Throughout the ages, honey has been recognized as a premium natural food - a storehouse of nutritional goodness that is easily digested. Honey contains many healthful substances including natural sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose), and trace minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin and Folic Acid. Honey also contains Calcium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sulphur and Amino Acids including 8 essential ones.
Bees make honey by travelling from flower to flower, removing the rich nectar, storing it briefly to mix with their enzymes, and then depositing the honey in their hives.
Our exceptional source of honey is harvested in the unique, pollution-free environment of the high mountains of Spain by beekeepers that have painstakingly worked these hives for generations. This exquisitely delicious honey has unusually high enzyme and mineral content, amongst the highest of all honeys in the world. The colour of our new mountain honey is beautiful dark amber, due to its richness in minerals.
Forever Bee Honey is an all-natural, delicious sweetener loaded with nature's goodness. Easily assimilated, Forever Bee Honey is a quick and nutritious energy source for any occasion.
Suggested use: Can be eaten alone or as a natural food sweetener.
Useful tips:
- Honey is high on natural predigested sugars.
- Since it's a high energy food, it may prove extremely beneficial for athletes and sportsmen for quick spurts of energy.
- It is a nutritive substitute for synthetic and artificial sweeteners.
- To protect the nutritive value, Forever Honey is packaged in a 3 skin plastic bottle to reflect ultra violet rays that may diminish it's potency.
Forever Bee Pollen
Pollen is the fertilizing powder of flowers. Bees gather and bring it back to their hives for food. Without pollen, plants, trees and flowers could not exist; even humans depend on it. Bee Pollen is known as the most natural and complete food - it is said that the human body can survive on Bee Pollen alone, with the addition of fibre and water. The list of nutrients naturally occurring in Bee Pollen is a recipe for general well-being, vigour and good looks. It also works as a natural defense against allergies, stimulating a positive immune response in addition to building up the system nutritionally.
Digesting Bee Pollen was a challenge as the tiny outer shells protect the pollen making it difficult for the digestive system to dissolve it. The introduction of Forever Bee Pollen has changed all that. Forever Bee Pollen is finally milled making it possible for nearly everyone to eat, assimilate and absorb all the nutrients it has to offer. The pollen is gathered in specially-designed stainless steel collectors, and is all-natural and contains no preservatives, artificial colours or flavors.
Bee Pollen has been found to contain a wide spectrum of trace nutrients. These include B-complex vitamins and vitamins C, D, E, K and Beta Carotene (vitamin A), plus numerous minerals, enzymes and coenzymes, plant-source fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and amino acids - including 'essential' amino acids that the body cannot manufacture for itself. This literally translates into super nutritional fortification for young, adults & ageing.
Suggested use:
- Start with a 1/4 tablet and gradually increase intake to one tablet 3 times a day. Consult your physician before taking this or any other dietary supplement.
- Works best with Forever Nature-Min & Forever Kids.
- Although Forever Bee Pollen acts like a desensitizer against allergies, few people may be over sensitive to pollen. It's therefore important to begin by taking 1/4 tablet in the beginning and gradually increasing the intake.
- Bee Pollen has been shown to have much more content of vit B6 Methionine Ratio than bananas, carrots and onions.
- All processes of extractions are cruelty free.
Forever Bee Propolis
When we think of bees, honey and pollen are foremost in our thoughts. Yet another important substance, propolis, is a sticky resin secreted by trees and collected by bees from our tree buds, sap flows or other botanical sources. Honeybees collect and metabolize the propolis, then line their hives with it to protect the hive.
Propolis in the hive is also believed to reinforce the structural stability of the hive, reduce vibrations, make the hive more defensible by sealing alternate entrances and also prevent diseases and parasites from entering the hive. If another insect enters the hive, it is promptly killed, if the body is too large to remove it is covered with propolis to keep its contaminants from harming the hive. Propolis acts as a natural antibiotic, creating one of the most sterile environments in the animal kingdom.
Propolis contains vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and enzymes. It has properties that increase and strengthen our own body's natural resistance to disease by stimulating our body's immune system. It has antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. It is known to be the most natural antibiotic - helping with rapid tissue healing and regeneration and prevents the onset of infection. Fortified with Royal Jelly, Forever Bee Propolis is an excellent way to help support the body's natural defenses. Forever Bee Propolis is gathered from pollution free, high desert regions. To further assure purity, our own specially-designed Bee Propolis collectors are used. Forever Bee Propolis is 100% natural with no added preservatives or artificial colours. It is also an excellent natural food form,providing a wide array of useful elements to our body.
Suggested Use:
One tablet, twice a day. Consult your physician before taking this or any other dietary supplement.In nut-shell:
- It is known as one of nature's most powerful natural antibiotic.
- All processes of extractions are cruelty free.
- Helps make the interiors of the hive safer than the most sterilized operation theatres.
- The various trace elements helps regulate body's natural defense mechanisms.
- Safe for children as well as adults, however you must alter the serving as per requirement.
Forever Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is a milky secretion derived from the pharyngeal glands of the honey bee. This "super food" of the bees is specially blended with enzymes and fed to the Queen bee of the hive. Known as the "Fountain of Youth" it is the exclusive food for the Queen bee through her highly productive life, enabling her to lay up to 3,000 eggs per day during her six-year life span. It is the royal jelly that makes the Queen a Queen! This substance is so remarkable, that it transforms a common honeybee into a Queen bee - she is one and a half times larger in size that the worker bees, and extends her life span for five to seven years, whereas the worker bees live four to six weeks!
Royal Jelly contains trace quantities of vitamins A, C, D, and E and the B-complex vitamins including vitamin B5 (Pantothentic Acid). It also contains nucleic acids for perfect cell regeneration; minerals, all 8 essential amino acids plus 10 secondary amino acids. Royal Jelly is taken extensively to promote energy and health, recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels, boosts the immune system, protection against common ailments and acts a a biocatalyst in cell regeneration process.
The Forever Royal Jelly is gathered from dry, remote, high desert regions where pristine conditions provide the ideal environment for our beehives.
Suggested use:
One tablet, twice a day. Consult your physician before taking this or any other dietary supplement.
Forever Aloe Berry Nectar, Forever Fields of Green & Forever Gin Chia.
In nut-shell:
- It is a high energy food and may prove beneficial for sluggish metabolism.
- It's natural composition ensures that it's absorbed easily and digested readily.
- The presence of natural harmones may prove beneficial to help restore hormonal imbalances
- Contains no preservatives, artificial colours or artificial flavors.
- All process of extractions are cruelty free.