Monday, November 27, 2017


Like millions of people, motivational videos of Dr. Vivek Bindra not only inspire me, motivate me but also provide me mental nourishment through his vast knowledge of business and above all his great mastery of the great Indian Epic - Bhagwad Gita. His knowledge in the different fields is unimaginable that impresses who-so-ever watches his video. In this new video – Mental Diet Plan – he raises many questions and answers himself for us. He asks:-

What you get in life ?
What is ask-receive formula ?
What you will not demand then how can you get that ?
What is mental touchness and its benefits ?
Why discipline is necessary in life ?
Why, a lot of people in the world feel them like in jail ?
Why to build mental muscles ?
With whom mental contact ?
Who are your travel partners ?
Why a chart if mental diet is necessary?
What is the RiSiMis formula ?
Why it is important to install right rituals and uninstalling wrong rituals ?
How all this is important for success in life ?
If you like to know the answers of these questions, then watch the video and I am sure your will feel re-charged to take the challenges in life.

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Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Naturopathic practitioner Rudolf Breuss developed a 42-day juice fasting program to nourish the body but starve cancer. 
He also formulated variations for different kinds of cancer. 
Following his instructions exactly was crucial to success
Although fasting seems irrational when the body is wasting away, Breuss' patients felt more alert and energetic as soon as they began the treatment. 
They continued to feel well throughout their fast. Throughout the book their many grateful letters testify to complete recoveries
This title also contains Breuss' naturopathic and sometimes unusual treatment suggestions for a wide range of conditions from leukemia to rheumatism, infertility to cramps. According to Dr. Breuss  cancer lives on solid foods taken into the body, and that cancerous growths will die if a patient drinks only vegetable juices and tea for 42 days.

 His book reflects a lifetime of practice.

Breuss juice vegetable juice that consists of 55 percent red beet root, 20 percent carrots, 20 percent celery root, 3 percent raw potato, 2 percent radishes … The potato is optional except for liver cancer where it plays an important part.

Customer Review 5.0 out of 5 stars
I have seen it work twice By Corey Turcotteon March 19, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
 I cannot say enough about Breuss Cancer Cure.
Years ago my uncle got diagnosed with cancer. He was pretty late into it and only had about 6 months to live. They sent him home and he started Breuss Cancer Cure and he ended up gaining the weight back, getting healthy again and living 9 years. He died of a heart attack not cancer.
I was young back then, maybe in high school and did not pay much attention to it while it was happening, but recently my brother was diagnosed with cancer and they gave him 3 options; radiation pills, chemotherapy, or try herbal medicines on your own. 
So, he tried the Bruess Cancer Cure first. He was to return for more blood work and another biopsy in six months
He did the Bruess Cancer Cure with the vegetable juice and the tea's as per the book. He followed it to the 'letter' for the full 41 days. He was weak from not eating and his co-workers picked up his slack especially need the end of the 41 days. He finally made it and went in for the blood work.
The blood work came back and there was no change in the blood work. We were all pretty disappointed. But, when he went in for the biopsy it was totally gone. No trace of cancer.
Now he is eating healthier and is cancer free. That was enough for me to buy a 21 day supply. Figure I will do the 21 day version to to help clean my system out from all the crap we are eating these days. Hope this review was helpful and it is totally a true story.

About the Author

In 2001 Jurgen H.R. Thomar, who was born in 1938, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. 
In 2002, after undergoing conventional medical treatment at a university hospital, he was diagnosed with recurrent cancer. After numerous tests and examinations he was offered a therapy that had not been scientifically documented, so J. Thomar was to become a "guinea pig." Realizing this, the author of the book lost faith in conventional medicine and turned to naturopathy. He found assistance and advice in the book "Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases" by Rudolf Breuss, a well-known healer, naturopath and folk medicine expert from the city of Bludenz (Austria). R. Breuss, who died in 1990 at the age of 91, developed a remarkably effective treatment method based on therapeutic fasting and consumption of vegetable juices. Using this method, which has already been practiced for decades, many cancer patients manage to regain their health. Undertaking the Breuss cancer cure requires from patients determination, endurance and self-discipline. Although this method of treatment cannot guarantee complete success, it is a supportive therapy with prospects in treating a wide variety of cancers. In spring 2004 the author himself completed this course of treatment, which had been repeatedly and successfully used by Breuss; this resulted in complete recovery, which was confirmed by all subsequent tests and examinations. After completing the course of treatment Jurgen Thomar, as a mark of gratitude to Rudolf Breuss, created the website, which has generated immense interest worldwide: so far, this site has received over 300,000 visitors. That started Mr. Thomar's literary activity. Mr. Thomar, with his book "Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure Correctly Applied," deserves credit for providing a practical and reader-friendly systemic description of the Breuss treatment, thus developing a guide to the Breuss Cancer Cure. This book should be seen as a fundamental manual to successful application of the Breuss cancer cure. Mr. Thomar is the author of several other books, including: "Heilfasten nach Rudolf Breuss ... einfach genial" ("Rudolf Breuss Fasting Therapy - Simply Ingenious" - in German), "Pratique de la Cure Breuss: Experiences, conseils et recommandations" ("The Practice of the Breuss Cancer Cure: Experience, Advice and Recommendations" - in French), and his autobiography "Das war's" ("How it was" - in German)."


Did Dr. Johanna Budwig recommend surgery to remove cancer tumors?


Do not use sugar.

Dr. Budwug advises as under:

"The first thing we advise our cancer patients to do is to totally cut out all white refined sugar and all processed syrups and forms of refined sugar and replace it with stevia, fruit and raw honey. Basically, to be on the safe side, you need to prepare your own pastries and desserts as almost all store-bought pastries, desserts, ice cream, etc., are loaded with dangerous refined sugar."

Friday, October 27, 2017



Thursday, February 4, 2016


Aloe Vera of FOREVERLIVING PRODUCTS is very good for health

Aloe vera has 300 species and a few of them are highly beneficial for the health. The best aloe vera is available from Forever Living Productsbecause it is grown in pollution free environment and packed after its cutting within two hours by adopting stabilization process. It is known as the elixir of life. It has many beneficial elements for the health. From the ages together it is being used in India and other countries.

Selecting the right product is of utmost importance.  Having said that, we would like to press on the fact that the right knowledge of the products is also very essential and it is at this juncture that the valued knowledge of our FLP products comes in handy.  

Our world famous Aloe Vera Gels have already been celebrated by many in the past and it is pertinent to add here that while our gels generate a lot of goodness in our system, these need to be further supplemented by other high potency dietary supplements which are available in the form of capsules and tablets in our FLP banquet of Good Health. 



For over 30 years Forever Living Products (FLP) has dedicated itself to seeking our nature's best sources for Health and beauty and sharing them with the world.  Founded in 1978, FLP rewrote the book on how to put nature's best sources for health to work for you.
FLP and its affiliates are the world's largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of Aloe Vera and products of the hive.  FLP also has over 10 million distributors in almost 150 countries worldwide and after being in business for almost 35 years has established a name that is synonymous with trust and reliability.

Aloe Vera of FOREVERLIVING PRODUCTS is very good for health

Aloe vera has 300 species and a few of them are highly beneficial for the health. The best aloe vera is available from Forever Living Productsbecause it is grown in pollution free environment and packed after its cutting within two hours by adopting stabilization process. It is known as the elixir of life. It has many beneficial elements for the health. From the ages together it is being used in India and other countries.

Selecting the right product is of utmost importance.  Having said that, we would like to press on the fact that the right knowledge of the products is also very essential and it is at this juncture that the valued knowledge of our FLP products comes in handy.  

Our world famous Aloe Vera Gels have already been celebrated by many in the past and it is pertinent to add here that while our gels generate a lot of goodness in our system, these need to be further supplemented by other high potency dietary supplements which are available in the form of capsules and tablets in our FLP banquet of Good Health.


For over 30 years Forever Living Products (FLP) has dedicated itself to seeking our nature's best sources for Health and beauty and sharing them with the world.  Founded in 1978, FLP rewrote the book on how to put nature's best sources for health to work for you.
FLP and its affiliates are the world's largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of Aloe Vera and products of the hive.  FLP also has over 10 million distributors in almost 150 countries worldwide and after being in business for almost 35 years has established a name that is synonymous with trust and reliability.


Forever Aloe Vera Gel

There simply couldn't be a better way to start your day! Imagine slicing open an aloe leaf and consuming the gel directly from the plant.  OurForever Aloe Vera Gel is as close to the real thing as you can get.  The miraculous aloe leaf contains 75 known nutrients and over 200 different compounds.  So right from dental health, enhancing fibroblast functions for collagen formation and repairsupporting immune functions,regulating weight and energy levels, regulating adequate gut flora - it is laden with all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids (both essential & non essential), enzymes & anthraquinones that the body needs on a regular basis to maintain optimum health.  A product of our patented aloe stabilization process, our gel works to maintain a healthy digestive system and a naturally high energy level.  Its small molecular structure ensures that nutrition and healing is accomplished at cellular level, literally from the inside out! This is the first product to receive certification by the International Aloe Science CouncilThe rich cocktail of pulp and liquid authenticates this product as being just like nature intended.  Taken daily, either alone or mixed with any other fruit juice, it is one of the best nutritional supplements available!
HISTORY: For over 3500 years tales of "healing of Aloe Vera" plants have been handed down through centuries by word of mouth. It is probably one of the most discussed, but least understood medicinal plants in history.  The ancient Greeks, the Romansthe Babylonians,Indians and Chinese have all used Aloe Vera as a medicinal plant.  The earliest documented use of Aloe Vera comes from the ancient Egyptians.  Even Alexander the Great, conquered the island of Socotra (in Yemen) in order to have the Aloe for his "fighting" army.  From the times of Cleopatra to the more recent Mahatma Gandhi ji, have all sampled the goodness of this Aloe Vera also known as "nature's silent healer".  Throughout the years Alow Vera has been called by many names like 'Potted Physician'
'Wand of Heaven', 'Wonder Plant', Heaven's Blessing and Plant of Life.
Aloe is said work from the "inside-out" - it means that it penetrates internally and removes or cleanses all the toxins and eliminates them from the system.  It is not only a product for total health but also being acleansing agent good for heart & its arteries.
In short it is a sort of 'amrit' or elixir for life.

(If you wish to purchase FLP Aloe Vera or other products and to enjoy less cost for the same (say a saving of about 20% or more, then please click the following link . Click the Join button and fill in your details and in the Sponsor column fill this No. 910-001-400-904.

Forever Aloe Berry Nectar

Forever Aloe Berry Nectar contains all the goodness found in goodness found in our Forever Aloe Vera Gel, plus the added benefits of cranberry and apple.  Aloe Vera Gel combined with a sweet blend of real apple and cranberry juice creates this tasty nectar and provides nature's most perfect nutrient cocktail. Cranberries have a reputation as a cleanser of the urinary tract by confining the build up of bacteria to the to the bladder lining.  Cranberries are also a natural source of powerful antioxidants known as Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC's)  Apple juice is noted for its content of pottassium as well as the beneficial fruit pectin.  The delicious flavour is totally natural, prepared from a blend of fresh cranberries and sweet, mellow apples.  The added fructose (a natural fruit sugar) sweetens it just enough to please both adults and children alike.

Forever Aloe Bits N' Peaches

Forever Aloe Bits N' Peaches is yet another great way to enjoy our 100% Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel with just a touch of natural peach flavor and peach concentrate.  A taste sensation like no other, it contains pure hand cut chunks of Aloe Vera, bathed in the flavor of sun-ripened Californian peaches.  Ideal for children who may otherwise refuse to drink the Forever Aloe Vera Gel.  People all around the world have been using Aloe Vera for its health benefits for many centuries is a well known fact, and the addition of peaches provides carotenoids - as valuable as antioxidants and a source of vitamin A, essential for maintaining the proper function of the immune as well as maintaining a youthful appearance.  Forever Bits N' Peaches offers many healthful ingredients - all packed into a great-tasting drink.  Pour over ice or mix with fruit juice, and enjoy the delightful taste of nature's bounty any time of the day!

Forever Freedom

Forever Freedom is a combination of Aloe Vera with substances that are helpful for the maintenance of proper joint function and mobility making this drink a tasty, orange-flavoured juice formula. We've takenGlucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate - two naturally occurring elements that have been shown to help maintain healthy joint function and mobility, and married them with our stabilized Aloe Vera gel. To this we've added Vitamin C (orange juice) and MSM, a primary source of bio-available sulfur the body needs to maintain healthy connective tissues and joint function.

Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate are natural substances that help maintain the structure and health of cartilage, keeping this natural "shock absorber" well hydrated.  They also help keep the lubricating fluid within the joint at the necessary viscosity to allow one surface to glide freely over another.  As the body ages, it is less able to produce these natural elements of healthy cartilage which can then lead to "wear and tear" on the joints.  In the modern times due to over use of computers, one of the most common complaints is an inflammatory condition of the muscles in the wrist even amongst the younger generations.

Forever Freedom combined with Glucocamine Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, Vitamin C (Orange juice) and MSM provides the first line of defense for joint support.  It's a practical and nutritious way to start your day! Not only humans but even the animal world has substantially benefitted from this super product.                                                                                                                                

It will be better if you consume at least 1 bottle of Aloe Vera Gel before starting the Forever Freedom so toxin elimination process is set off in your system and the goodness of Forever Freedom comes directly to your joints.

Forever Pomesteen Power

There is no disputing the fact that antioxidants are extremely vital to our health and well-being.  Antioxidants are of extreme importance as they help neutralise the oxidants or free radicals.  Free radicals are produced by environmental pollutants, expose to toxic substances such as pesticides and insecticides, over exposure to ultraviolet rays, cigarette smoke and alcohol, contaminated food and water, processed foods, excessive exercising, mental anxiety and stress.  They can interfere with the body's functioning and produce damage that can accumulate over a period of time.

Forever Pomesteen Power is a blend of exotic fruits that are extremely rich in antioxidant properties, and Xanthones.  The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) test is one of the indicators to measure the ability of antioxidants in a certain substance to absorb free radicals.  All the fruits in Forever Pomesteen Power are near the top of the list in ORAC value, especially the pomegranates and mangosteens.  In addition, the combination of the other fruits like Pears, Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries and Grapeseed Extract which are an important source of polyphenols - one of nature's most potent antioxidants makes this a very powerful and unparalleled        antioxidant drink!                                                                                                                                   

Just one or two ounces of super antioxidant enriched Forever Pomesteen Power on a regular daily basis could help us in combating the environmental pressures and free radicals that most of us are exposed to in our busy and stressful lives today.


  • That Pomesteen Power is the most powerful antioxidant drink made from fruits, potent in antioxidant quality.
  • All organically grown fruits are used
  • ORAC is a way to measure how many free radicals a specific food can absorb.  The more free radicals a food can absorb, the higher is ORAC score.
  • Refrugerate after opening and always close lid tightly after each use.

(If you wish to purchase FLP Aloe Vera or other products and to enjoy less cost for the same (say a saving of about 20% or more, then please click the following link . Click the Join button and fill in your details and in the Sponsor column fill this No. 910-001-400-904.